Nasal congestion is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms of the common cold and flu, which are often more severe in winter. But to essential eucalyptus CEITE MayanOils® is to help with their properties that are the perfect counter.

Obtained from eucalyptus globulus labill, our essential oil captures and concentrates all the benefits of this plant of Australian origin that, since ancient times, has been considered by the original peoples of that country as the most effective remedy for respiratory illnesses. And it is that its aroma, in addition to stimulating and invigorating, helps the airways of our respiratory system to decongest.So it is no coincidence that it is part of cold and flu medications, as well as ointments and other remedies. This is because eucalyptus is an expectorant, this means that it causes or promotes the expulsion of accumulated bronchial secretions. This helps us to get rid of excess mucous membranes and breathe freely again. In addition, the prompt expulsion of these fluids also accelerates recovery. 

While an aromatherapy with Eucalyptus MayanOils® essential oil helps us to decongest, the process of inhaling and exhaling with increasing quality clarifies and calms our mind, which improves our mood and relaxes the muscles, preventing the feeling of cut body — also a typical companion to colds and flu — is greatly diminished.

Our recommendation is that you apply between five and eight drops of essential oil to your diffuser so that you can enjoy the aroma of eucalyptus and feel the relief arrive or, in case of more severe congestion, add two or three drops of oil in a cloth so that you can bring it more directly to your nose and do breathing exercises until you feel that the airways are clearing. Eucalyptol, the main compound of this plant and that is what is captured in the essential oil, also helps to suppress the common cough and, being an antiseptic and antimicrobial substance, it helps us heal in a clean and relaxing environment. The best to be 100 to enjoy the holidays. 

Get your Eucalyptus oil here